Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reading with the Rabbi

I started my Introduction to Judasim class on Tuesday. The instructor is a hoot. He had me cracking up! I wanted to take the fall/winter session because my sponsoring rabbi told me that this guy was hilarious, and after attending Tuesday's class, I'm glad I was able to work this session into my schedule!
There are only 4 other people in the class - two other women and a guy, who is attending along with his wife, who is going through the conversion process, like me. He is not converting, but attending class along with her for support, which is just so tender and precious!
I was glad to see that one of our required texts, I have already purchased, because I am so cool and proactive. :) I purchased another today and have to buy two others.
We learned a little of the Hebrew alphabet and how to pronounce vowels, and though this was strictly to familiarize us with the alphabet, it was helpful to me. I don't know if I will take Hebrew classes anytime soon, but at least I can follow along in the prayer book during services, to a degree. It will make more sense.
So, yeah, this class is gonna be pretty darn entertaining, I think. And I'm sure I'll learn a LOT more that I thought I would.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leslie, this is Dena from class! I'm happy to have found another JBC blog. And yes, I have to say my husband is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. for going on this journey with me :-)
