Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yom Kippur - Morning/Yizkor/Neilah Services

An update about Yom Kippur services I attended last weekend.
In the morning, I went downtown for 10 am services at the Plum Street Temple - dedicated in 1866, and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972 - it is a beautiful building, and the interior is exquisite! was crowded, and slightly festive. This being the highest of Holy Days, there seemed to be the same type of excitement seen during Christmas - people dressed up, chatting with family and friends, teenagers looking somewhat bored by it all. However - there's so much more participation in regards to not just listening to a clergy member talking. There are many prayers read aloud by the congregation and so I felt as if I was participating more in the celebration of the Holy Day. And I didn't get as many stares as I thought I would.
Services lasted about 2 hours; I went home from Plum Street and sat for a while - Yom Kippur is a fasting holiday and I had to drink some water and I also ate half a piece of pita - I was getting shaky and I could feel the beginnings of a headache, so I ate a little bit. I had so much anxiety about the fast - I had dreams about it! I was so concerned about doing what I was supposed to do as a Jew. I was so relieved when the rabbi at the Kol Nidrei services reminded the congregation that fasting was NOT about suffering - if necessary, eat simply and have water. So, that's what I did so I wouldn't pass out.
I went back downtown around 3 pm to attend Yikzor (memorial) services. I did this because I really wanted to remember my mom, and be able to share this with her. I 'm pretty sure that I did. :)
Then there were concluding services, Neilah, when final prayers of repentance are recited at the closing of Yom Kippur.
I left Plum Street around 5:15pm, and then went home to change clothes, and then went to a break-the-fast gathering . A woman I met at Torah study, at the synagogue I attend on Saturday mornings, had invited me to join her family and friends at her place, which was very kind of her. I had a great time - and there was LOTS of food, and desserts! Of course, everyone was famished , so everything tasted great. There was a really good quiche and a flourless chocolate cake that was EXCELLENT.
It was a good first Yom Kippur for me. Just think how much better prepared I'll be next year. :)

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